Details of Percentages of Area Panels for Modular Panels
Information on the Percentages of area of panels dialog for systems with modular panels.
Defines the area percentages of the individual elements of systems with modular panels. Depending on the manufacturer and system, the dialog can contain different specifications and filter options.
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By specifying the desired laying pattern, the laying distance as well as the dimensions, the laying panels displayed under Module/Panel/Element can be filtered.
Drawing of laying panels with a double-meander laying pattern is currently only available in connection with ACAD.
Apply Module(s) >>: Applies the number of selected modules to the preliminary compilation in the right window.
<< Remove Module: Removes individual marked modules from the preliminary compilation.
In the lower area, you can check the optimum occupancy via Total laying area, Already occupied area and Remaining laying area. Different module sizes can be combined with each other in such a way that the given laying area is optimally used.
Connect partial areas in series
Activated: The selected partial areas are combined in series, unless predefined limits prevent this. If this is not possible, the circuits are divided: partly in series and partly as independent circuits.
Connect partial areas individually
Activated: All partial areas are connected individually.
Circuit connection directly to the manifold
Activated: Each individual circuit is connected directly to the manifold.
Tichelmann connector
Activated: The individual circuits are linked hydraulically via a Tichelmann system before being connected to the manifold.