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Details on Material compilation settings

Information on the Settings section in the Material compilation module.

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Module overviewMaterial compilationMaterial compilation (Tree structure)Project level


Taking the minimum packing volumes into account

Deactivated: The material quantity actually needed is output.

Activated: The materials are displayed in order package sizes. This setting is adopted for all trades and titles in the material compilation tree structure and the building structure. You can activate or deactivate the setting separately in each individual level.

Open exported file

Activated: After exporting a material compilation, the created file is opened automatically.


You can deactivate individual trades in this window. They then do not appear in the overview and are not considered for material export and for printouts.

Table 1. Toolbar buttons



Material export

Enables you to export the currently displayed material list, e.g. for quotation creation. The ASD, XLSL, D81, UGS, UGL and Gost formats are supported. You can edit the file further with a suitable program such as LINEAR Quote.

You can export the material compilation by selecting the corresponding levels in the Tree structure for individual rooms, apartments, floors, building phases or the entire project. If you want to export the material compilation for individual trades or titles, you must select the corresponding level in the material compilation tree structure.

Collect items from CAD

Switches into the CAD program, in order to select components here that are to be added to the material compilation.