Details on Export to DÄMMWERK
Information about the Export to DÄMMWERK dialog.
Allows you to export room groups and the assigned rooms to a format compatible with the DÄMMWERK software. The data of the components of the enveloping surfaces are exported. Based on this data, energy performance certificates can be created with the software DÄMMWERK.
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Room groups
Opens the Room groups dialog, where you can create and edit room groups.
Enables filtering of room groups by modules. For example, you can only display room groups that you have created in the Cooling load dynamic module.
Export table
Column | Meaning |
| By clicking If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example. |
y/n | Defines which room groups are exported. Click to set checkmarks for the room groups to be exported. |
Room group | Shows the name of the room group. You can edit the names of the room groups directly here. |
ϑ i January | Sets the average inside temperature (with limited heating operation, if applicable) for the month of January. This balance internal temperature is necessary for the standard-compliant determination of the heating requirement and can only be specified or changed here. |
ϑ i, WE Weekend | Sets the average inside temperature in weekend mode. This balance internal temperature is necessary for the standard-compliant determination of the heating requirement and can only be specified or changed here. |
Net floor area m² | Displays the sum of the net floor areas of all rooms assigned to the room group. |
Gross floor area m² | Displays the sum of the gross air volumes of all rooms assigned to the room group. |
Net air volume m³ | Displays the sum of the net air volumes of all rooms assigned to the room group. |
Exports the relevant component data of the enveloping surfaces of the selected room groups. The component data are exported with name, area, orientation, inclination, zone assignment, U-value, component type and the corresponding DÄMMWERK component type. By exporting you will get two files. The first file contains the enveloping surface data. The second file is used to resolve the summed up envelope surfaces into their individual components with location in the project. The name of the second file is the same as the name of the first file, extended by the suffix "_area_allocation". The type of both files is usually *.csv, but you can also export the file with the enveloping surface data as a *.txt file.