New in e-learning: Full data control with the LINEAR component lists for AutoCAD
In this course, you will learn everything about component lists. A really powerful function that combines the solution to many tasks relating to component data in one tool. Here are a few examples:
You just want to get an overview of the components integrated in your design?
You need a legend, for example for valves with your settings?
You want to create a sawing list?
You want to create a new label quickly and easily?
You want to check the consistency of the components and your data in the model?
You want to manage the installed equipment in a plant identification system?
You want to control and optimize the model transfer via IFC?
You want to maintain a room book in the model and export it or would you rather maintain it in Excel and bring it into the model for the IFC export?
You can perform these and many other tasks with the "Component lists" tool. Small name – big performance.
Course: Component lists
Course content
1.1 Foreword
The Component Lists
2.1 The Component Lists as a Source of Information
The component lists are the central location for all data from the model. Here you can retrieve, add and edit information, generate tables and lists as well as export specific data.
You can use the filter functions to list the required data and insert it into your model as a table.
You can also integrate your own data into the model via the component lists. You can do this directly in the component lists or access existing lists using Excel import and export. (Here: Installation Time)
As the component lists manage all the data contained in the model, you will also find the parameters relevant for the calculations here and can edit these directly in the list and take manual adjustments into account in the calculation. Components selected in the Component list can be highlighted in the model.
Of course, you can also use the data to easily create your own labels and select the appropriate parameters from a central location.
LINEAR parameter management allows you to directly influence the available parameters. For example, you can rename existing parameters and parameter sets, assign parameters to other parameter sets, create your own parameters and parameter sets, adjust the units used and their precision, define scopes and much more.
LOIN, or Level of Information Needed, is the information requirement that the model must contain for the agreed purpose and time – in the agreed form. You can use the component lists to conveniently control which parameters are activated in which phase. This allows you to define information levels and always have only the data in the model that is relevant for the respective phase. Of course, this is also taken into account in the export.
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