New e-learning course: Calculating air duct networks in Revit
Learn in our new e-learning course how to efficiently calculate an air duct network with LINEAR Solutions and what options are available for customization. We not only demonstrate simple dimensioning based on material and component data, but also show you how to determine pressure losses, zeta values, velocities, sound data and much more.
Course: Calculating an Air Duct Network
Course content
1. General Information
1.1 Foreword
2. Overview of the Calculation
2.1 First Calculation and Reports Dialog
2.2 Room Dialog
2.3 Fixing Other Report Messages
3. Configuration
3.1 Configuration
4. Setting Components
5. Further Settings
5.1 Curve Data
5.2. Duct and Insulation Tables
6. Final adjustments and calculation
6.1 Visualization
6.2 Redimensioning
6.3 Labeling
6.4 Output
After we did an initial calculation of the ventilation network, we will show you how to edit single or multiple section parts to optimize your network.
You can work with our component families (neutral and manufacturer content) or use other families from third parties. With the LINEAR classification, all components can be considered in the calculation.
We will also show you in detail how to configure the calculation.
In the "Rooms" dialog, all MEP rooms of the model are displayed with their location in the building in a tree structure. The room data section contains the properties that are read from the MEP rooms. These include, for example, the dimensions, the room temperatures and the heating and cooling capacity.
With the function curve data you can define ventilation components with manufacturer data or user-defined data. You can specify your own data sets with manufacturer names, different model series, nominal sizes, damper positions and pressure loss data. The pressure loss data is then displayed as a pressure loss curve. You can then assign this data to the components in order to calculate the pressure loss precisely.
The visualization is a very versatile tool. It allows us to display calculation results and other properties of the duct network in color in the model.
We will also show you how to easily label your model.
At the end all results can be found in the output, including the pressure loss and sound calculation as well as parts lists.
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