In this course, we will show you how to calculate gas pipe networks with LINEAR on Autodesk Revit. In addition to the available calculation methods, we will also cover the settings that can be made by you before the calculation, as well as the redimensioning of the network following the calculation. Finally, we label the pipe network and show the results.
Course: Calculating Gas Networks in Revit
1. General Information
1.1 General information
2. Preparing the Calculation
2.1 Product Data
2.2 Configuration
2.2.1 System Classes
2.2.2 Detecting Components
2.2.3 Calculation presettings
2.2.4 Simultaneity
2.2.5 GS Balancing
2.2.6 Units in the Calculation Dialog
2.3 Classify Components/Technical data
2.3.1 Classifying Components
2.3.2 Technical Data
3. Pipe Network Calculation
3.1 Starting the Calculation
3.1.1 Calculation
3.1.2 Units in the Calculation Dialog
3.1.3 Report Window
3.2 Completing and Optimizing the Gas Pipe Network Calculation
3.2.1 Report Window Calculation Dialog
3.2.2 Adding Load Data
3.2.3 Structure of the Calculation Dialog
3.2.4 Adjusting Nominal Diameters
4. Parameters and Labeling
4.1 Parameters
4.2 Labeling
5. Output
5.1 Output
Before we start the calculation, we will go into the different calculation possibilities as well as the corresponding configurations.
Then we start the calculation of the pipe network.
After the calculation, the pipes are redimensioned.
Before the net is labelled.
Finally, we show you all results including parts lists in the result printout.
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