LINEAR Industriepartner Oventrop

Taking heat pumps to the next level? No problem with the Regudis W-HTE dwelling station! With the compatible flow water heater module the dwelling stations simply reheat the potable water. This increases the efficiency of the heat pumps, because they can be operated with low supply temperatures. The Regudis W-HTE from Oventrop also leads the way in terms of hydraulic key figures: The Regudis W-HTE is currently the benchmark in terms of pressure loss, flow rate and the low system temperature required. Other products on the market do not match this performance.

With the pre-assembly service for dwelling stations, Oventrop makes everyday work even easier. Oventrop pre-assembles the dwelling stations in the manifold cabinet so that they can be installed directly on site.

The Oventrop data set, with the Regudis W-HTE dwelling stations, is available in the LINEAR Installation Center.

LINEAR Installation Center

  • AutoCAD / CADinside
  • Revit
  • Manufacturer data sets
  • Manufacturer CAD Libraries
  • Heating
  • Energy efficiency

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