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Here you can find all new features of the current version as well as all new features of the last versions! We update the list with the release of the features to the respective update (Feature Pack). You can easily download and install the update to the latest version via the LINEAR Installation Center

Note: Most of the new features are only available for subscription customers. 

For major releases (new version number) you need the corresponding licenses. You can request these as a subscription customer on our contact page.

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Update check of plan views using QR code

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

Always keep an eye on the current plan status: With the new QR codes, you can check directly on site or in construction meetings at any time whether the existing plans are up to date. Simply scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet and get immediate certainty.

  • Quick and easy checks: you can always be sure that the plans are up to date. Anyone can easily check the status online - no user account or registration required.
  • Consistent documentation: Ensure that everyone involved uses the same information.
  • Efficient communication: Plan updates or changes can be synchronized quickly - ideal for construction sites and planning meetings.
Solutions for Revit
Customer request

Standard-compliant air volume calculation now also for indoor swimming pools

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

The air volume calculation for non-residential buildings already introduced with V25.0 has been extended by an additional guideline. Determine the necessary outdoor air volume flows now also for indoor swimming pools and benefit from the complete integration in LINEAR Building.

  • Extensive calculation options: The air volume calculation for swimming pools extends the extensive calculation options. Eight calculation methods are currently available and more will follow. 
  • Link with heat load calculation: Benefit from a consistent database so that changes in the air volume calculation can be automatically incorporated into the heat load calculation.
Solutions for AutoCAD / CADinside
Solutions for Revit
Customer request

Parapet trunking for electrical design in Revit

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

V25.1 gives you access to parapet trunking as a cable routing system - a function that was previously not available in Revit in this form. Whether in hospitals, offices or laboratories - you can now design the frequently used parapet ducts in a customized way and then place the desired installation devices.

  • Flexible system: Create cable ducts exactly according to your requirements. The families are ideally designed to enable fast construction in Revit.
  • Convenient placement: Use the LINEAR installation line configurator to place installation devices directly on the trunking.
Solutions for Revit

Floor tank configurator

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

With the LINEAR floor tank configurator, you can now configure and place floor tanks using drag & drop. Benefit from the intuitive operation that you already know from the frame and installation line configurator. Once configurations have been created, they can be saved and reused by you and your colleagues.

  • Quick design: Simply put together floor tanks and place them directly in the right place in the project.
  • Intuitive user interface: Simple configuration using drag & drop, which is already used in the frame and installation line configurator, enables intuitive use.
Solutions for Revit

Extension of the configurators to include surface-mounted elements

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

The frame and installation line configurator can now also be used to plan surface-mounted installations. Simply use the checkbox to select whether your frame combination should be displayed as a surface-mounted or flush-mounted variant. Mixed installations within an installation line are also possible. Once created, configurations can be saved, shared with colleagues and reused.

  • More flexibility: Create installation lines as surface-mounted, flush-mounted or mixed installations.
  • Efficient design: Reduce time and complexity with a central configuration for different installation types.
Solutions for Revit

Create an overall scheme with several building parts in Building

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

Are you planning projects with several central heating systems or several building entries for gas, potable or waste water? From now on, you can map such complex scenarios even more easily in Building. Placing them on several pipe runs makes it easy to create an overall scheme.

  • Flexible schematic creation: Place several heat generators or building entries in different lines.
  • Clear overall display: Combine all sub-systems in a single scheme - ideal for extensive buildings or campus structures.
  • Efficient coordination: A well thought-out overall schematic facilitates communication between the disciplines and speeds up your design process.
Solutions for Revit

Draw calculated gas diagram from Building in Revit

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

With version 25.1, it is now also possible to create and calculate gas networks with the scheme generator in LINEAR Building. Since V25.0, pipe network schematics for heating, potable and waste water can be easily and quickly transferred from Building to Revit, and now gas has been added as a further option. This means that all disciplines supported in Building can now be transferred to Revit.

  • Quick schematic in every design phase: Regardless of the respective project design phase, you can create a calculated schematic in Building and integrate it directly into your Revit project.
Solutions for Revit

Automatically determined nominal connection width for saddle connectors

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

The nominal width of the main duct determines the correct choice of saddle connectors. Previously, this parameter had to be maintained manually in Revit - with version 25.1, LINEAR now takes care of this for you.

  • Fast and error-free: Automatic determination eliminates the need for manual input and prevents potential incorrect tenders. This ensures that all parts can be ordered correctly.
Solutions for Revit
Customer request

Standard-compliant duct dimensioning for Austria

LINEAR Solutions V25.1

Are you designing ventilation systems for the Austrian market and would also like to benefit from the advantages of standard-compliant model-based quantity takeoff? The reference standard in accordance with ÖNORM H 6015-1/2 and B 2260 is now available to you. Thanks to our parameter-controlled model analysis and the linking of components with tender relevant information, you always have the required data at a glance and can seamlessly transition from system dimensioning and construction design (e-klimaX) to the tendering process.

  • Seamless workflow: transition from system dimensioning and construction design in e-klimaX to awarding in your AVA software.
  • Up-to-date GAEB-XML export interface: This allows you to import all quantities and items smoothly into your AVA software.
  • Time savings and more security: Avoid media disruptions and work with correct, standard-compliant data based on your model.
Solutions for Revit

Our fastest schematic design - now also without CAD

LINEAR Solutions V25.0

With the new version V25, we are integrating the scheme generators already familiar from AutoCAD into our LINEAR Building. Scheme generators have long been the easiest and quickest way to create schematics for heating, gas, potable and waste water networks. Whereas previously it was necessary to implement this in CAD, you can now do this directly in LINEAR Building. This gives you the option of printing automatically labeled schematics directly and making them usable independently of a CAD platform. This opens up new possibilities for various use cases in projects.

But that's not all: this feature offers a wide range of possible applications: from first rough pipe schematics in the early concept phase to determine initial dimensions for routing or shafts to detailed calculated pipe schematics.

In the concept phase, for example, a heating scheme can be created in which entire building sections, storeys, apartments or rooms are inserted into the scheme generator as “general appliance” using drag & drop. The approximate heating load is then used to determine outputs and mass flows, which are used to dimension the scheme. This makes it easy to create an initial calculated scheme in the early design stages.

As more project details become available, the default values for parameters such as pressure loss limits, flow rate limits or material specifications can be adjusted in the settings area. Manufacturer data for pumps and valves can also be selected, as can the adjustment of pipe lengths for sections. With this additional information, more detailed schematics can be created and calculated.

You can either print out the result directly as a diagram or transfer it to your CAD system for further processing.

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Solutions for AutoCAD / CADinside
Solutions for Revit

Draw calculated schematics from Building in Revit

LINEAR Solutions V25.0

In addition to the possibility of creating pipe network schematics in LINEAR Building, there is now also the option of transferring the diagram to Autodesk Revit. This allows you to integrate a scheme into your Revit model at any stage of the project. With version V25.0, these options are available for heating and potable water as well as for waste water. In Revit, all the functions of the Scheme discipline are available to you to further adapt and optimize the automatically created schematic.

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Solutions for Revit
Customer request

Centralization and expansion of options for air volume calculation

LINEAR Solutions V25.0

Air volume calculation is now also centralized in LINEAR Building. Here you can now manage all air volumes room by room in a central location. The integration has also created a closer link with the heating load calculation, so that the determined air volumes flow directly into the heating load calculation. The air volume flows are then simply transferred to CAD via synchronization between Building and CAD. The air volumes are distributed to the air diffusers in the revised room dialog and taken into account in the duct network calculation. This feature not only allows you to calculate air volumes in accordance with additional standards, but also provides an optimized workflow that increases the efficiency of your projects. The application options have been significantly expanded, so that you can now calculate the air volumes according to the following standards:

  • DIN 1946-6 for domestic ventilation
  • Workplace directive
  • DIN EN 16798-1 for ventilation in non-residential buildings
  • DIN 1946-7 for laboratories
  • VDI 2082 for retail premises
  • DIN 18032 for sports halls
  • DIN 1946-4 for the healthcare sector

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Solutions for AutoCAD / CADinside
Solutions for Revit