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Details on Editing a Heating/Cooling Panel

Information about the Edit command group of the discipline Panel heating / cooling and the context menus for editing heating / cooling panels.

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Command group Edit for heating / cooling panels in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

Change laying area

Section “Change laying area” in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

Most of the editing commands of the Change laying area can be found in the context menu, which can be opened by clicking the bar buttons Bar button of laying areas in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD of a marked laying area.

Context menu of laying areas in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD
Table 1. Common commands of the "Change laying area" and the context menu for editing laying areas



Add contour points <, Remove contour points <

Allows you to add more contour points to the laying areas and delete existing contour points. By adding contour points in combination with the grip editing function of the contour points, you can customize the laying area.


You can subsequently edit the contour points of laying areas with circuits. The pipe routing adjusts automatically during the process.

Add open areas <, Remove open areas <

Allows you to define areas within the laying areas that should be kept free from pipe laying and to delete such areas. In order for the open areas to be taken into account when drawing the heating circuits, the circuits must be (re)drawn.

Add joints <, Remove joints <

Allows you to define joints within laying areas, to which the laying of the circuit is oriented. Joints divide the laying area into partial areas, in each of which a separate circuit is inserted when drawing in.

Table 2. Further commands of the section “Change laying area”



Spread circuits to width<

Allows you to evenly distribute already drawn feed pipes and circuit zones across the entire width of a room.

Balance circuit lengths

Allows you to bring already drawn feed pipes and circuit zones to the same pipe length , even if you have different laying spacings.

If manual readjustments are necessary in order to compensate for gaps in relocations that have been created during the balancing process, use the option Consider grid spacing for circle limits and make the manual corrections of the edges, if necessary, to obtain adjusted circle lengths (see description Consider grid spacing for circle limits).

Change pipe laying

Section “Change pipe laying” in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

All editing commands of the Change pipe laying section can also be found in the context menu, which can be opened by clicking the bar button Bar button of heating circuits in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD of a marked circuit area.

Context menu of heating circuits in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

In addition, you will find further editing options in the context menu, which are described below.

Table 3. Common commands of the “Change pipe laying” and the context menu for editing pipe laying



Add pipe points < Remove pipe points <

Adding and removing pipe laying points allows you to manually and individually adjust the circuit laying.

Use the Add laying point command to draw in additional parts of the pipe layout that are automatically connected to the existing circuit. It is also possible to delete the pipe laying beforehand and redraw it completely manually. For this purpose, an auxiliary grid with half the laying spacing is displayed and the cursor is equipped with the corresponding snap.

For the Remove laying points command, you select two auxiliary points of the pipeline between which the pipe laying is to be removed. After removal, the pipe between the two points is automatically closed again. By selecting the command the object snap for endpoints is automatically activated.

Selection of pipe support points

Result after removal

Swap supply and return pipe

Allows you to swap the supply and return connections of circuits. The connections retain their position.

Delete laying < Recalculate laying <

Allows you to remove the inner laying of a circuit. The circuit is not deleted entirely. With Recalculate laying, the circuit is recalculated and drawn up.

Laying deleted

Table 4. Further commands of the context menu for editing pipe laying



Switch sense of rotation of laying

Allows you to change the direction of pipe laying when using the spiral laying pattern. When changing the direction of rotation, a loop may be generated at the starting point. The supply and return connections retain their positions.

Original setting

Changed direction of rotation

Laying angle

Allows you to adjust the laying angle in the laying pattern Meander. You can select 0°, 45°, 90°,135°, 180°, 225°, 270° and 315°. The supply and return connections retain their positions when the installation angle is changed.

Original setting

Laying angle 90°

Add contour points , Remove contour points

Adding and removing contour points allows you to edit heating circuit areas subsequently, for example, to open a part of the circular surface afterwards. The pipe routing adjusts automatically during the process.

Balance/adjust circuit lengths

Allows you to bring already drawn feed pipes and circuit zones to the same pipe length , even if you have different laying spacings.

If manual readjustments are necessary in order to compensate for gaps in relocations that have been created during the balancing process, use the option Consider grid spacing for circle limits and make the manual corrections of the edges, if necessary, to obtain adjusted circle lengths (see description Consider grid spacing for circle limits).

Distribute circuits over width

Allows you to evenly distribute already drawn feed pipes and circuit zones across the entire width of a room.

Global settings

Allows you to specify various global settings regarding the graphical display and the use of drawing aids.

Table 5. Commands under "Global settings "in the context menu when editing pipe laying



Display detailed pipe laying

Enabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed in detail and you can, for example, directly see the installation patterns of the circuits. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Disabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed in a reduced way and the internal routing is not directly visible. The reduced graphical representation improves performance. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Display pipe laying with color transition

Enabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed with color gradient from red to violet to blue. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Disabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed without color gradient. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Display connector arrows

Enabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed with connector arrows. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Disabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed without connector arrows. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Use alternative layout routines

When combining certain room situations with certain layout settings, the graphical representation of pipe laying circles may not be displayed correctly. In such cases, activate the alternative layout routine to correct the graphical representation. This setting affects only the layout of the pipe laying of the circle in whose context menu the setting was activated.

Show grips on pipes

If necessary, the drawn pipe routing of the heating or cooling circuits can be adjusted manually. For this purpose, it is usually useful to make the required grips (grips: small yellow squares) of the pipe visible. With the help of the grips, you can then customize the pipe guide.

Set Max. wall distance (...mm)

Allows you to adjust the maximum wall distance (distance from the pipe to the circuit area boundary). The default setting is half laying spacing. If you want a different maximum wall distance, enter the desired value in mm in the command line after clicking the command.


The maximum wall distance must not be greater than half of laying spacing.

Consider grid spacing for circle limits

When balancing the lengths of the circuits, it is possible that due to the size of the rooms and the selected laying spacing, gaps may occur in the laying because the remaining areas are no longer large enough to accommodate another loop in the laying area. These gaps usually occur in the middle of the room and are particularly visible in the meander laying pattern.

You can include the laying spacings of the circuit zones when determining the circuit zone sizes and minimize these gaps by activating the option Consider grid spacing for circuit limits before matching the circuit lengths. This means that the grid spacing is taken into account when matching the circuit lengths, so that as few gaps as possible are created. If you now adjust the circuit lengths, the pipe lengths of the circuits are adjusted taking into account the laying spacing. The last circuit covers the remaining area and does not take into account the laying spacing. Under certain circumstances, this may result in a gap in the laying pattern at the last circuit, as the remaining area is no longer large enough to accommodate another loop in the laying area.

You can adjust this type of gap manually via Grip Editing. To do this, click on the corresponding gripping point and move the circuit limit while holding down the mouse button. If the option Consider grid spacing for circuit limits is activated, the circuit boundary only moves on the grid.

With manual gap of the last circuit closed by moving the circuit limit a little more into the room space.

Using the Consider grid spacing for circuit limits option may result in zones not optimally covering the entire room area and in circles not being optimally matched to their lengths, since the possible steps in grip editing are coarser.

By holding down the Ctrl key, you can temporarily deactivate the currently active mode during Grip Editing. If the option is enabled, deactivate it by holding down the Ctrl key. If the option is disabled, activate it by holding down the Ctrl key.

Show color transitions and grips on pipes

Color transitions

Enabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed with color gradient from red to violet to blue. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Disabled: Heating and cooling circuits are displayed without color gradient. This setting affects all circuits in the drawing.

Show grips on pipes

If necessary, the drawn pipe routing of the heating or cooling circuits can be adjusted manually. For this purpose, it is usually useful to make the required grips (grips: small yellow squares) of the pipe visible. With the help of the grips, you can then customize the pipe guide.