All graphics/photos shown here: © Viega GmbH & Co. KG
The path to a climate-neutral future leads via the building sector. This sector is responsible for 38 per cent of global CO2 emissions. However, the need to construct sustainable buildings or renovate old buildings to make them more energy-efficient is offset by a major shortage of skilled labour. Digital construction is one answer to the challenge of making the building sector more sustainable and construction processes more economical and efficient. Viega Building Intelligence, with its four pillars of consulting, training, management and systems, supports those involved in the construction process with modular service and consulting offerings for the digital transformation.
Integrated planning with the Building Information Modelling (BIM) working method opens up enormous potential in the planning, construction and operation of buildings, as it enables construction projects to be viewed over their entire life cycle, among other things. With over 125 years of expertise in building services, Viega is a competent partner on the path to digital transformation of the construction process. The best proof of this is the Viega World interactive training centre – a beacon for the future of construction. Completely planned, built and operated with BIM, it has given Viega a head start in terms of knowledge. It is also a prime example of sustainability. The German Sustainable Building Council has awarded Viega World a platinum certificate. With 89.1 percent target fulfilment, the seminar centre is one of the most sustainable educational buildings ever built.
The future is integral planning with BIM
The Viega Building Intelligence – Your BIM Solutions service offering is based on the experience gained from the planning and construction of Viega World. Starting with planning phase 0, i.e. the definition of requirements, a building was realised using a digital model. The insights gained in the process include the integral planning process, collaboration between trades during the planning and construction phase and ongoing operation. For example, many processes are integrated and networked here – an essential prerequisite for the operation of the plus-energy building.
Digital building can be experienced at Viega World
Viega World provides the ideal setting for Viega Building Intelligence – Your BIM Solutions, as the seminar centre itself is the training content. The new service offering enables everyone involved in the construction process to get started in this transformation process, regardless of their individual level of knowledge about planning and building with BIM: Various training courses, for example, are offered as part of the "MEP.Digital" seminar concept via the Training and Systems pillars. These teach basic BIM knowledge as well as the fundamentals of collaboration or the subsequent implementation of planning objectives with the corresponding software.
This learning is all the more intensive when it is linked to practice via the BIM Experience seminar, as in Viega World. Using a real building and its operation, seminar participants can understand the benefits of digital applications in combination with Viega product solutions in practice – and why it makes sense to delve deeper into the BIM working methodology and, via the advanced Viega Consulting and Management services, into the successful implementation of their own digital planning and construction projects.
Coordinated software solutions for digital construction
Digital construction is an efficiency-enhancing and safe, but equally complex method. The right technical infrastructure is needed to ensure that the individual project stages merge seamlessly and that the various trades can work together in the best possible way. With Viega Building Intelligence – Your BIM Solutions, current software solutions for planning, modelling and calculation issues are made available under the "Systems" pillar. These software solutions include LINEAR Solutions - Viega Edition. The application is directly integrated into Autodesk Revit® and offers users support for the design, modelling and visualisation of complex technical building equipment, which is typical for BIM projects.
A Viega product catalogue for Autodesk Revit® as a plug-in enables direct access to Viega products – as an offline version with BIM Data Tool and as an online version with BIM Data Portal. Both versions offer clear structuring of the product data and an intuitive search and filter function. The plug-in can be used to place components as a Revit® family directly in the view window of the project.
Customised entry possible
Viega Building Intelligence – Your BIM Solutions is the first comprehensive offer to take up existing knowledge and the digital processes already practised in every specialist company and develop them into an end-to-end BIM process. As part of Viega Building Intelligence – Your BIM Solutions, the pillars of consulting and management are available, into which Viega incorporates the process-related expertise from the construction of Viega World or provides support in supervising, managing and organising its own BIM projects.
Viega Building Intelligence – Your BIM Solutions starts with a free initial consultation and a joint status quo analysis before services from the consulting, training, management and software pillars are customised and offered to meet the needs of those involved in the construction process.

Further information about the Viega Building Intelligence - Your BIM Solutions service is available at: viega.de/ViegaBuildingIntelligence