In this course, you will learn how cooling convectors are dimensioned based on the calculated cooling load. Using an example project, we demonstrate the dimensioning in an office building with LINEAR Building.
Course: Cooling Convectors
General information
Cooling Convector Preselection and Data Set Import
Designing the Cooling Convectors
Adjusting the Cooling Convectors
Pipe Run View
Material Compilation
Before dimensioning, you determine which cooling components are to be used. You can access our extensive manufacturer libraries for this.
The cooling convectors are then automatically dimensioned in the individual rooms based on the preselection and to suit the respective cooling load.
The settings for individual components can be adjusted to achieve an optimum dimensioning.
Within the pipe run view, you can assign all components to the pipe runs and also view and adjust settings.
You will then find all the components in the material compilation.
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