New online course: Calculating a cooling pipe network
In this course, we will show you how to calculate cooling pipe networks with LINEAR for Autodesk Revit. In addition to the calculation options, we also go into the material settings for pipes and insulation as well as for fittings and explain the cooling-specific classification of components.
Course: Calculating a cooling gas network in Revit
Calculating a Cooling Pipe Network
1. General Information
1.1 Foreword
2. Overview of the Calculation
2.1 The Main Calculation Dialog
2.2 The Report Dialog
3. Settings
3.1 Settings
4. Material Settings
4.1. Pipes and Insulation
4.2. Valves
5. Components
5.1 Classification / Technical data / Connections
6. Global Settings for Section Parts
6.1 Global settings for section parts
In the LINEAR calculation dialog you have all results structured in a meaningful way.
We will show you the setting options within the calculation.
Selection and assignment of the appropriate pipe material including insulation for various applications.
The large number of manufacturer libraries enables you to make a specific selection of individual components for use in the calculation.
You can use the classification to assign all the components used appropriately.
We will also show you how you can make global or local settings for the section parts.
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