In this course, you will learn how to use LINEAR to perform a heat load calculation based on DIN EN 12831-1 and what options are available for adjustments. In the form of a project example, the calculation of an apartment building is carried out in which a subdivision of apartments has been made.
Course: Heat Load
General Information 1.1 General information
Building Data 2.1 Building Data
Heat Load 3.1 General Heat Load Data 3.2 Building Materials and Components 3.3 General Information about Transmission 3.4 General Information on Ventilation
Taking Ventilation Systems into Account 4.1 Extract Air System 4.2 Supply and Extract Air System
Results and Printout
First, let's look at the import of the building data from the CAD model.
We will then show you the setting options for calculating the heating load.
You can define and check all building materials and components within the master tables. You can create your own building material groups as well as expand the existing table of building materials. The layer structure of the U-values is made up of the building materials created, whereby already created layer structures are adopted from the model.
Transmission has played an even more decisive role since the amendment of DIN EN 12831-1, which is why we have dedicated a separate chapter to this topic.
Ventilation is also taken into account in the heat load calculation and can be defined directly in the program.
Finally, all results are output in ready-made printouts.
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