In this video we will show you how to use parametrics in Revit. Information about all elements in the model are stored in parameters, used to define and customize elements, and to communicate model information in labels and component lists. We will therefore look at the different types of user-defined parameters and demonstrate how to output model information using parameters in component lists or labels. So we want to convey the basic structure of Revit, as well as show the possibility to flexibly attach parameters to objects and evaluate them for different applications.
Course structure
Revit as a data base
1. Introduction
2. Types of User-defined Parameters
2.1 Family Parameters / Type and Instance Parameters
2.2 Project parameters and shared parameters
2.3 Global Parameters
3. Schedules and Labeling
3.1 Creating Schedules
3.2 Using Labeling
We will show you what types of parameters there are and start with the type properties as well as the instance properties.
Continue with project parameters and their properties.
We will also show you how to use global parameters.
You can then use the parameters to create component lists, for example.
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