New e-learning course: Constructing potable water (Revit)
In order to design and calculate a potable water pipe network, it must first be planned correctly. In the discipline of potable water, hygienic and thermal aspects are added to the hydraulic considerations. With ring pipes, circulation pipes and flow dividers, the aim is to create a pipe network that does not contain stagnant water. The pipe routing and the insulation of the pipes must be adapted according to the ambient temperature of the flow paths. How to implement this comfortably with LINEAR on Autodesk Revit is the content of this course.
Course structure
Constructing a Potable Water Network
1. General Information
1.1 Introduction
2. Placing Components
2.1 Placing Sanitary Objects
3. Constructing Pipes and Connecting Components
3.1 Constructing Pipes
3.2 Connecting Components
3.3 Place Components in Pipes
4. The Legend
4.1 Creating the Legend
First, the potable water consumers are placed in the model.
Subsequently, the pipe routing takes place.
Now the consumers can be connected to the pipes.
Additional built-in parts can be quickly integrated from the libraries.
We also demonstrate the installation of flow dividers.
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