In this course we will show you what you have to consider when importing an IFC or Revit file into Revit. The aim of the import for a MEP designer is usually the exchange of building data. You can either import this data directly or - better - link it to your own MEP file.
Course structure
Architecture building import IFC/RVT
1. General Information
2. Revit Links
2.1 Adding RVT files
2.2 Creating MEP Rooms
3. IFC Link
3.1 IFC Import Table
3.2 Adding an IFC link
3.3 Creating MEP Spaces with LINEAR
3.4 Settings for Importing the IFC File
We will show you how to link Revit files in your model in order to start your MEP design based on them.
Based on the linked Revit file, we will demonstrate how to conveniently create MEP spaces.
Linking an IFC file is also part of the course.
In the import settings, you have access to the assignment of IFC classes and IFC types to Revit categories and Revit subcategories.
Also based on the IFC file, we demonstrate how easy it is to create MEP spaces for further design.
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