
Heatwaves, droughts, storms and heavy rainfall. Climate change is now being felt all over the world, including here in Europe. Companies are also noticing the effects, not least due to new political guidelines. Planted's software solution provides a remedy and supports companies holistically in the legally compliant implementation of the entire sustainability strategy, including the planting of local mixed forests in Germany.

With the Paris Climate Agreement, almost all countries have made a binding agreement to limit global warming to 2, if possible 1.5 degrees. But politicians are slow to act. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global CO₂ emissions must fall by 48% by 2023 compared to 2019 in order to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial levels. We are currently heading for global warming of 2.8 degrees Celsius - a threat to life on this planet. We are now in the crucial decade in which we can still prevent the worst effects.

Companies as the beacons of hope for the climate crisis
One opportunity to counteract this lies with non-state actors such as private individuals and businesses. Companies in particular form a huge sector that can make a major contribution to reducing global CO₂ emissions and protecting biodiversity. This has also been recognised by politicians, who are obliging companies to report on sustainability from 2025 with guidelines such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD for short).

The Cologne-based company Planted has set itself the task of supporting companies on this path with a data-driven SaaS platform. The end-to-end software solution combines state-of-the-art technology with scientific standards as a holistic implementation of a sustainability strategy. "With our sustainability platform, we provide companies with an easy-to-use platform that accompanies them holistically and without in-depth knowledge on the path to Net Zero," says Wilhelm Hammes, Managing Director of Planted.

All-in-one: CO₂ balance sheet to CSRD report
An ESG quick check gives companies an initial overview of their sustainability efforts. The journey then continues: from the automated, TÜV-certified CO₂ balance sheet based on the GHG protocol, the double materiality analysis and individualised decarbonisation to the CSRD-compliant sustainability report.

In addition, Planted has internal sustainability experts who provide companies with holistic support and ensure that the sustainability strategy runs seamlessly. This also includes communication without greenwashing. Here, the Cologne-based company provides support in the form of marketing material and advice.

Employees become sustainability experts
Company employees can acquire their own knowledge via a knowledge platform integrated into the software. "The Climate Academy enables every employee to become a sustainability expert in the shortest possible time," explains Wilhelm Hammes. "Since Planted was founded, education has been a crucial key to sustainable behaviour and essential to the success of our mission." This can be realised through a variety of e-learning courses on key topics such as carbon footprinting and emissions reduction. Employees can learn at their own pace and track their progress.

Protecting biodiversity
But carbon accounting and knowledge transfer are by no means the end of the story at Planted. "With the help of our software solution, we enable companies to reduce their negative environmental impact. However, our customers gain an advantage by focussing on more than just CO₂ management," explains Jan Borchert, co-founder and internal climate forester at Planted. "Because the positive environmental impact must also be promoted at the same time. In turn, we make this possible by supporting local and global environmental and climate protection projects."

For unavoidable emissions, companies can use Planted to support global climate protection projects of the highest standards and offset their residual emissions. The projects offered by Planted are primarily in the field of renewable energies and are subject to the highest standards. In addition, companies can take action right on their own doorstep by planting climate-stable trees here in Germany.

The forest as an important carbon sink
Forests make a significant contribution to climate protection. They are one of the most important natural carbon sinks by storing CO₂ and releasing oxygen. German forests alone store more than 11 billion tonnes of CO₂. An intact forest has many protective functions that are vital for our survival. "The forest is not only a habitat for many animal and plant species, but is also important as a fine dust filter, drinking water reservoir and in its function as a recreational area for us humans. It is an indispensable part of our planet and makes a significant contribution to environmental protection," explains Jan Borchert.

However, forests are also suffering from the consequences of climate change. Storms, droughts and the bark beetle have taken their toll on German forests in recent years. Huge areas have died or are bare. A total of 277,000 hectares could be replanted in Germany alone - an area the size of Saarland. If we were to lose our forests, these natural protective functions would also be lost and with them our biodiversity.

Own forest in the direct vicinity of the company
"With our tree plantations, we give companies the opportunity to actively contribute to the preservation of the forest ecosystem," says Jan Borchert, who takes care of the procurement of the areas, the specific selection of tree species and the monitoring of tree growth. "It is important that the tree species are optimally adapted to the conditions of the respective areas and are climate-stable. For example, they need to have deep roots so that they can withstand storms and also reach enough water in summer." Planted currently has 90 areas throughout Germany, with the trees often being planted in the direct vicinity of the company and in the form of a company forest. This company forest also has a digital twin within the sustainability platform, which the companies can use for their communication and which transparently shows which tree was planted where.

Sustainability as a competitive advantage
"Transparent communication was part of our solution right from the start. This is the only way companies can make their commitment visible and benefit from advantages," explains Wilhelm Hammes. After all, sustainability is no longer a niche topic. Companies that act holistically and honestly secure a competitive advantage. In addition to mandatory guidelines such as the CSRD, which place a strong focus on sustainability initiatives by companies, consumers, employees and other stakeholders are also demanding a commitment to sustainability. Companies benefit from this when granting loans, with investors, on the labour market, in marketing and sales, in risk management and through an enhanced reputation among their own employees.

The solution to the climate crisis lies in the community
For Planted, it is clear that the climate crisis is one of the greatest threats to our planet that can only be solved together and in which business has an important role to play. "Our goal at Planted is to preserve the planet for our children and many more generations and living beings. Companies are one of the biggest levers for shaping this green future and that's where we come in, by giving them the right tools in line with legal regulations," says Wilhelm Hammes. "We welcome every company that wants to shape this more sustainable future with Planted. We still have time."

The cooperation between Planted and LINEAR
Social and sustainable commitment are key components of the LINEAR company philosophy, which is why we are constantly looking for projects that create long-term added value for society. Last year, we came across Planted, whose vision of getting people excited about climate protection in a positive way immediately sparked our interest. Even though we are not yet subject to the provisions of the CSRD and are therefore not yet obliged to report on our sustainability efforts, we would like to do so now on a voluntary basis. The "All-in-One Sustainability Platform" now enables us to determine our CO₂ footprint, identify internal CO₂ hotspots and, in the next step, find reduction solutions together with our employees/colleagues. The transparent presentation allows everyone to actively participate in the measures. Further campaigns are currently being discussed and planned internally with Planted. For example, we will be planting our own company forest in the Aachen region this year and are already looking forward to continuing our collaboration with the Planted team.

More information:
Planted I The all-in-one sustainability platform

  • Energy efficiency
  • Architecture
  • Building analysis

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