Category: Software

New e-learning course shows the possibilities of the LINEAR DWG converter

Learn how to use the LINEAR converter to make the same changes to a single drawing, a group of drawings or a saved project-related list of drawings. This is a huge time saver as the DWG and DXF converters allow you to make adjustments without opening the files. For example, you can swap colors,…

New e-learning course: Calculating air duct networks in Revit

Learn in our new e-learning course how to efficiently calculate an air duct network with LINEAR Solutions and what options are available for customization. We not only demonstrate simple dimensioning based on material and component data, but also show you how to determine pressure losses, zeta…

New e-learning course on heat load calculation

In this course, you will learn how to use LINEAR to perform a heat load calculation based on DIN EN 12831-1 and what options are available for adjustments. In the form of a project example, the calculation of an apartment building is carried out in which a subdivision of apartments has been made.

Further e-learning course: Basics of operating AutoCAD

The aim of this course is to learn how to draw with basic AutoCAD commands, use construction aids correctly, create layers and modify object properties. This basic knowledge should clarify the potential of LINEAR Desktop for AutoCAD and lead to a better assessment.

New online course: Calculating a cooling pipe network

In this course, we will show you how to calculate cooling pipe networks with LINEAR for Autodesk Revit. In addition to the calculation options, we also go into the material settings for pipes and insulation as well as for fittings and explain the cooling-specific classification of components. 

LINEAR Solutions now features a new user interface

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and fortunately, the software industry is no exception. We are also committed to providing our users with a seamless and efficient experience, so it was time for LINEAR Solutions to get a new, optimized user interface. The update aims to increase…

E-learning course on the new scheme design in Revit

Version 24 introduces the new scheme design for Revit. So that you can get started right away, a suitable e-learning course is now also available, in which you will learn how to convert a scheme directly from your 3D model.

Domestic Ventilation - Dimensioning & Quotation

In this course we will cover the module Residential Ventilation - Dimensioning and Quotation in LINEAR Building. This module allows you to lay out manufacturer-specific ventilation components for a supply and extract air system based on a previously created ventilation concept or on user-defined air…