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Selecting Construction Level and Offset

Shows step-by-step how to set the construction level on which you construct pipes, ducts, and components.

Before you begin

To construct freely placed pipes, ducts and components at the desired height, first set the construction level. The following applies:

construction level = reference level + offset.

Navigate to:

Project tabDisciplineConstruction tab

or: Library tab

Applies to: heating, potable water, waste water, ventilation, panel heating/cooling, cooling, gas, void planning, fire protection.

Construction tab heating Linear Revit
Construction height heating Linear Revit


  1. Select the reference level.
  2. Select the datum level. If the datum level conforms to the reference level, select Current storey.

    The current reference level (Current storey), the next higher storey level and all work levels that may be located in between are available as datum level.

  3. Enter an offset to the datum level.

    If the component is to be located below the datum level, enter a negative offset.


If you construct pipes in a floor plan view, 3D view or an area plan, or if you insert components from the library tab, the set construction level is used as the height.