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Assigning an Ambient Temperature

Shows step-by-step how to assign correct ambient temperatures to different sections of your potable water pipe network.

Before you begin

You want to assign correct ambient temperatures to sections of your potable water pipe network to obtain realistic calculation results.


You have data for expected ambient temperatures.

Navigate to:

Project tabDisciplines ...Potable waterAnalyse tabCalculation ...

Applies to: Potable water.


  1. Click on Ambience.

    The dialog Ambience opens.

  2. Optional: Click on the Temperature tab.
  3. Set the desired ambient temperatures for Cold water and Hot water by either
    • selecting a suitable temperature from the table after clicking on in the Ambient temperatures dialog, or
    • manually entering the required temperature in the corresponding field.
  4. Click on Assign and select all pipes to which the entered temperatures apply. Confirm the selection with Enter.
  5. Check the assignment by clicking on .
  6. If necessary, use the command Delete to remove incorrect assignments.


The ambient temperatures have been assigned correctly and are taken into account in the calculation.