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Assigning Global Thermal Bridge Supplements

Shows step-by-step how to assign flat-rate thermal bridge supplements to building components in calculations based on SN SIA 384/2(2020).

Before you begin

You want to assign a global thermal bridge supplement to a component that has heat losses due to thermal bridges.


The component is adjacent to the exterior, the ground or an unheated room.

Navigate to:

Module overviewHeat loadProject levelGeneral heat load data

Heat load general Linear Building


  1. In the Thermal bridge supplements drop-down list, select Estimated thermal bridge supplements.
  2. Switch to the desired room in the Building structure.
    Heat load transmission Linear Building
  3. In the row of the corresponding component, click in the cell of the ΔU(wb) column and then click .

    The Thermal bridge supplements dialog opens.

    Thermal bridge supplement Linear Building
  4. Select a thermal bridge supplement from the table or add a user-defined thermal bridge supplement with corresponding value under Add variable and confirm with OK.

    You can also edit the table of thermal bridge supplements under Master tablesVariablesVariables standard areas (heights, temperatures...)W Thermal bridge supplements directly.


A global thermal bridge supplement was assigned to the component.