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Select Location and Climate Data

Shows step-by-step how to select location and climate data for your project.

Before you begin

You would like to select the relevant location and climate data for a heat load calculation.

Navigate to:

Module overviewHeat loadProject levelGeneral heat load data


  1. Click Location....

    The Location dialog opens.

  2. Select the country where the project site is located from the drop-down list.
  3. In the Search field, type the name of your project location or its postal code and press Enter.

    Depending on the selected data set and entry in the search field, the selection of the postal code is also required.

  4. Make sure that the correct location is selected with zip code if necessary and close the Locations dialog with OK.

    The selected location is displayed with its stored data in the Location/climate data for: area.

  5. If the outside temperature should be corrected depending on the building mass and transmission heat losses, activate the Temperature correction (time constant) option.
  6. If you would like to define room temperatures according to the standard for the entire project, activate the Inside temperatures according to standard option.


The location and climate data are selected and taken into account in the calculation.


If there is no suitable dataset for your project location in the Locations dialog, you can create your own dataset with location and climate data.