Details on Intermittent Heating Operation on Project Level
Information about Intermittent Heating Operation section.
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Additional heat-up capacity
Use the radio buttons here to select whether your project contains intermittent or rarely heated rooms and how you want to manage the settings for these.
None: Your project contains no intermittent or rarely heated rooms. All fields are deactivated, no settings can be made at project or room level.
Globally: Your project contains intermittent or rarely heated rooms and the settings for these rooms are made at project level at this point. Different specifications can be set on room level if the heating capacity in the room is changed to roomwise.
roomwise: Your project contains interrupted or rarely heated rooms and the settings for these rooms can be made at project level, at the building unit level and in the room itself.
At building unit level: Your project contains interrupted or rarely heated rooms and the settings for these rooms can be made both at project level and at building unit level.
Detail settings
Building mass: The setting from the general heating load data section is adopted.
Reheating time: Time in which the room should be heated up to the desired temperature.
Air change rate: The air change rate during the unheated interval. This text field is only active if you calculate according to ISSO 53. With windows and doors closed and the system switched off, an air change rate of 0.1 can be assumed.
Temperature drop: Manually entered difference between target and minimum temperature of a room in the unheated interval. For ISSO 51, a click on the question mark opens a graphic to help you choose the right entry. For ISSO 53, the field is only active if free cooling is deactivated.
Alternatively, you can also enter a freely selected value. By clicking the suggested value is entered again.
Reheat factor: The heating factor is automatically determined and suggested based on the actual possible temperature drop.