Details on Location and Climate Data
Information about the Location and climate data section of the general heat load data.
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![Location data climate data project Linear Building](
Opens the Locations dialog, where you can choose a location for your project.
The locations of the respective region are available for selection in alphabetical order. When selecting a location, the fields Standard outside temperature, Height local selection above sea level and Annual average temperature are filled with values from the standard. The standard outside temperature results from the design outside temperature, which is adjusted with a temperature correction and/or a height correction factor, if necessary.
Temperature correction (Time constant)
Enabled: Depending on the selected building mass and the transmission losses of the building, a correction is applied to the outside temperature. The corrected value is displayed in the Standard outside temperature field.
Height meteorological station above sea level
The height of the meteorological station is part of the location data and is only entered if the selected location contains the corresponding data. This value takes no part in the calculation and can be understood as additional information or used to check the plausibility of the height of the building above sea level.
Height local selection above sea level
Height of the selected location above sea level. The value is part of the location data and cannot be changed.
Locations absolute altitude
Enter the exact location height of your project here. When a location is selected, the altitude of the location is automatically set to the altitude of the location selection. From 200 m difference to the height of the selected location, a height correction is calculated with the standard outside temperature.
(Standard) Outside temperature
This temperature is suggested according to the selected location from the building data. If the temperature correction is activated, the possibly corrected value is displayed here.
Annual average temperature
Annual average temperature is part of the location data and cannot be changed.
Inside temperatures according to standard
Enabled: Overwrites the indoor room temperatures for the heating case with the temperatures from the standard, depending on the selected room type. In the room view of the heat load, a tooltip appears above the input field of the room temperature with the note Room temperature corresponding to selected standard.
Disabled: Room temperatures can be entered manually. If the values entered correspond to the specifications in the standard, a tooltip appears above the input field for the room temperature with the note Room temperature corresponding to the selected standard. If the values entered do not comply with the standard, the note Room temperature is freely agreed appears at this point.
Drift velocity ground water
The velocity of ground water may increase in hillside locations and affect the heat loss of exterior components in contact with the ground. For flow velocities of >1m/s and a distance of <1.0m to the ground water, the exact calculation according to SN EN ISO 13370 is recommended.