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Creating a Scheme

Get information on the workflow Scheme for the discipline Potable Water in Revit.

From a correctly constructed pipe network, you can derive a pipe scheme in the workflow Scheme. This scheme can subsequently be edited and supplemented.

Schemes are needed throughout the entire project lifetime from the early planning phases to the operation and maintenance of an MEP installation. To meet the requirements of the fee regulations for architects and engineers, you can use the LINEAR tools to derive a schematic from a potable water pipe network. The scheme is saved in the project as a drawing view and can be adjusted later.

To successfully create a scheme from a pipe network, all network objects must be classified, the network must not have any open ends and all network objects must be assigned a corresponding symbol. The correct determination of floor structures, suspended ceilings and ceiling thicknesses requires the correct configuration of all levels in the storey table: All actual storey levels should be set as such, additional levels must be defined as auxiliary levels, the storey level must refer to the upper edge of the unfinished floor. When you create a scheme, a dialog is displayed in the first step in which you can make any necessary corrections. Adjustments in this dialog only affect the creation of the scheme.