Details on Edit Issue
Information on the Edit issue dialog.
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Text fields
Text field | Content |
Title | The title of the issue. Displayed in the issue list within the Issue section. |
Description | Description of the contents of the issue. Displayed in the Issue section. |
Type | Categorizes issues into weighting levels. You can choose between Note, Warning and Error. Types can be renamed and added in the options. |
Status | Categorizes issues by degree of processing. You can choose between Proposal, Open, In progress, Rejected, Accepted and Closed by default. Statuses can be renamed and added in the options. |
Milestone | Free text field. Specify the milestone up to which the report is to be processed. Once milestones have been entered, they can be selected from the drop-down list in all other reports. |
Tags | You can attach keywords to an issue. The entry of a keyword must be confirmed with Enter. Tags can be used for filtering. |
Priority | The priority of the issue. Priorities can be extended and renamed in the options. |
Due date | Concrete date on which the issue is to be processed. |
Author | Author of the issue. |
Editor | Person who should edit the issue. |