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Entering Room Outlines for Single Rooms

Shows step-by-step how to enter room contours for single rooms in your drawing.

Before you begin

You would like to enter room contours for the rooms in your drawing in order to generate 3D walls from a 2D template or to assign radiant heating and cooling systems to your rooms.


The rooms are located on one storey, which has been assigned a storey outline.

Navigate to:

Project tabDiscipline ArchitecturePlanning type 3D - IFC Workflow/ 3D - Model planning/ 2.5D Model planningCreate tabCommand group Storeys and Axes”/”Room-, Building Contours


  1. Set a top view to the room for which you would like to enter a room contour.
  2. Select the command Enter room contour <.
  3. Access the inner corners of the room point by point with a mouse click. The contour is marked with a colored line during drawing.
    Note: After calling the Enter room contour < command, enter R for rectangle in the command line if the room is rectangular. In this case, it is sufficient to specify two opposite points to enter a room contour.
  4. Close the area by clicking the start point last or opening the context menu with the right mouse button and selecting Close.
    Note: Once the area is closed, it will be highlighted in red. The room tag is then attached to the cursor.
  5. Determine the insertion point of the room tag in the room and click to place it.
    The Room data dialog opens.
  6. Enter the desired room data in the Room data dialog.
  7. Confirm your entries with OK.
    The room tag is filled out with the data.
  8. Repeat the above steps for the other rooms.


The room contour and the room data have been created.