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Placing Fixings in Line

Shows step-by-step how to place fastening elements on a pipe or air duct in series.

Before you begin

You want to place fastening elements in series along pipes or air ducts.


You have already drawn in pipes or air ducts.

Navigate to:

Project tabDiscipline Fixing planning3D - Model planningCreate tab


  1. Optional: Open the 3D Fixing area.
  2. Select the option in series.
    Menu area 3D fastening Linear Solutions AutoCAD
  3. Click on the image of the fastening type you want to use, e.g. Install air duct L-bracket.

    If you are Apply the command for the first time within a drawing, the Material suspension fittings dialog opens first.

    Suspension fixing material dialog Linear Solutions AutoCAD

  4. Use the drop-down lists Manufacturer, Component group and Component to select the exact type of fixing.
  5. Optional: Select a threaded rod under Mounting material.
  6. Optional: Enter a value under Extension into structure when selecting a building structure fastening.
  7. Close the Material suspension fittings dialog by clicking OK.
  8. Select the pipe or duct that is to be fitted with the fastening elements.

    The context menu Mounting material opens.

    Context menu building fastening mounting Linear Solutions AutoCAD
  9. In the context menu, select whether the duct or pipe is to be suspended from the ceiling, suspended from a free height or mounted on supports.
    Note: In this example, the Suspend from ceiling option is used.
  10. Select the start and end points for placing the fastening elements with a click.
  11. Enter the distance for the fastening elements and confirm the entry with Enter.
    Fastening distance menu Linear Solutions AutoCAD


Fastening elements have been placed on the duct or pipe at the specified length.

View of fastening with L-brackets air duct Linear Solutions AutoCAD