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Details on Edit Pipe Sections

Information about the Edit pipe section dialog in the Pipe Network Calculation Heating and the Pipe Network Calculation Cooling.

The dialog allows you to influence the calculation by adding additional values to the calculated data and/or adjusting the maximum velocities individually. Values of the calculation dialog that change due to entries in the Edit pipe section are displayed in bold in the calculation dialog.

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Analyse tabCalculationEdit ... (Pipe/duct sections)

Applies to: Heating and Cooling.

Pipe section dialog Linear Analyse


Length, Height difference

The values are taken from the drawing. You can change the values here. Clicking resets the values to the drawn dimensions.

Pipe bends 90°, Pipe bends 45°

drawn: Shows the amount of constructed bends in this pipe section.

additional: Enter the amount of bends that are to be given out as additional material in the material list.

Constant pressure loss

Enter an additional pressure loss for this pipe section.

Ambient temperature

The ambient temperature is taken from the entry in the Settings dialog and can be edited for each pipe section. Clicking resets the value to the value from the settings.

Maximum values (local)


If you want to assign a different maximum pipe friction pressure gradient to this pipe section, enter the value here. When entering 0, the maximum value from the global settings Basic conditions dialog is used.


If you want to assign a different maximum velocity to this pipe section, enter the value here. When entering 0, the maximum value from the global settings Basic conditions dialog is used.


Enter the simultaneity for this pipe section. The simultaneity is automatically assigned to the supply and return water pipes at the same time.

The simultaneity (f) is applied to the heat flow and the mass flow.

Q* = m* c (Tv-Tr)

With the peak heat flow and peak mass flow:

Q* = Q * f

m* = m * f


Resets all entries to the values calculated from the drawing.