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Checking Building Settings

Shows step-by-step how to check and, if necessary, adjust the building settings for the creation of a home ventilation concept after detection.

Before you begin

After capturing the building from a CAD program, you want to check whether the building settings for creating a home ventilation concept have been selected correctly.


You have a building structure captured from a CAD program.


If building settings already exist in the heating load module, these are adopted for the home ventilation concept.

Navigate to:

Module OverviewVentilationProject LevelDomestic Ventilation Project


  1. Click on Building Data.
    The Building Data dialog opens.
  2. In the Building area, click on Examples... and select a suitable template for your project.
    The Building Type, Ventilation Zone and Building Unit options are set according to the selection.
  3. Check the individual options in the Building area and adjust them if necessary.
  4. Activate the Consider apartments with the same name and number as one apartment option if apartments in your project extend over several storeys or parts of the building.
    Note: This function is only available if the Ventilation Zone and Building Unit are both set to Apartment.
  5. Confirm the settings by clicking OK.


The building data is set for the creation of the ventilation concept.