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Define the Calculation Method for Determining the Air Volume

Shows step-by-step how to define the calculation procedure for determining the required air volumes in LINEAR Building.

Before you begin

You want to define calculation methods for determining the air volume.


If required, you can also create a project template with the required assignments so that you do not have to make the assignments again in future.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Storey, Apartment, Area Level (Building Structure)Air VolumesCalculation Method ...

Dialog Calculation method of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building


  1. In the Project Standards area, define the Standard Calculation Method 1, which is then assigned to all room types as Calculation Method 1.
    By default, the DIN 1946-6 Domestic Ventilation Calculation Method for residential buildings and DIN EN 16798-1 Air Pollution, Method 1 for non-residential buildings are set as Standard Calculation Method 1.
    Note: You can adjust the building type if necessary in the Building Data area (Project Level (Building Structure)GeneralBuilding DataBuilding Type).
  2. Optional: Define the Standard Calculation Method 2, which is then assigned to all room types and any exceptions created for rooms or room groups as Calculation Method 2.
    Note: The volume flow rate of the calculation method with the higher value is used to determine the air volume.
  3. Optional: If necessary, deactivate the Only show existing room types in the project checkbox to also assign calculation methods to room types that are not part of the current project.
  4. If necessary, assign calculation methods that differ from the standard calculation methods to individual room types in the Calculation Method by Room Type area.
  5. If you want to assign calculation methods that differ from the room type to one or more rooms, click in the Exceptions for Rooms/Room Groups table.
    A new entry is added to the table.
  6. In the Room Group column, click on .
    The Room Groups dialog opens.
    Dialog Room groups of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building
  7. Select the rooms for which you want to create the exception.
    Note: If necessary, use the Filter function to find the rooms you are looking for quickly and easily. The filter also supports regular expressions (RegEx in the ECMAScript version).
  8. Enter a Name for the room group and click OK.
    The room group for the exception is being created.
  9. Assign the desired calculation methods to the room group.


You have defined the calculation methods for determining the air volume.

What to do next

Define individual, room-specific settings for air volume determination at room level.