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Details on the “Room Groups” Dialog

Information on the Room Groups dialog in connection with the determination of required air volumes of rooms in LINEAR Building.

In this dialog you specify the rooms that are to be included in the room group. You can then assign calculation methods that differ from the room type to the group.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Building Part (Building Structure)Air VolumesCalculation Method … (Column “Room Group”)

Dialog Room groups of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building


In this area you can filter the rooms of your project using search terms and regular expressions(RegEx).


Filters the rooms of your project according to entered search terms. You can perform filtering using regular expression (ECMAScript variant of RegEx) and thus extend the filtering possibilities.

The following table provides examples of using regular expressions.

Table 1. Regular Expressions

Search with regular expression

Search result


Displays all rooms with the text WC or Bathroom in their name.


Shows all rooms whose name contains the letter W, L or A.


Shows all rooms whose name starts with the letter M or m.


Shows all rooms whose number contains one of the digits 0, 1, 2 or 3, for example 10 Storages.


Shows all rooms whose name contains the text Storage, a following space and a following digit, for example, Storage 3.


Shows all rooms whose name contains the text Storage, a following space and a following letter or a following special character, for example, Storage B.


Shows all rooms whose name contains the digit 1 and any following character.


You can also use regular expressions to search for rooms that do not meet the specified search criteria. You can also search for several search terms at the same time.

For more information about regular expressions, see the common sources.

: Applies the filtering of the rooms to the search term entered under Filter and any regular expressions used.

: Shows a list of examples for the use of regular expressions, which you can apply to the search field Filter by selection.

Room List

Defines which rooms are included in the room group. The unfiltered list shows the building structure of your project with all rooms. When filtered, the rooms are displayed in the building structure according to the applied filter. Only rooms that are not yet assigned to a room group are displayed.


Defines the name of the room group. By selecting the first room in the room list, the name of the room is adopted in order to clearly identify exceptions for individual rooms. Selecting another room restores the default designation.