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Details of Transmission Results

Information on the Results tab in the output bar of the Transmission area at room level.

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Module OverviewHeat LoadRoom LevelTransmissionResults

Results ventilation Linear Building

Transmission Heat Loss

Calculated heat losses of the room by transmission to the environment. Heat inputs are given with negative value.

Ventilation Heat Loss

Calculated heat losses of the room by air exchange.

Standard Heat Load

The quantity of energy that has to be expended to heat the room to the set temperature, considering all heat losses.

Load Percentages of the Systems

Indicates to which parts the heat load is covered by different heating systems. If, for example, the supply air temperature is higher than the temperature from the HR, a part of the heat load is covered by the air heater. When the radiant heating is activated, the heat load of the radiant heating is reduced by the percentage of the component in which the radiant heating is located. The corresponding component is color-coded in the column Abbrev.\nof ID.

The value of Heat Load to be Covered by Radiators and Radiant Heating is formed by the design heat load minus the entries for air heaters and occupied areas. This value is passed on to the design modules.