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Details on the “ISSO 51 & 53” Section (Project Level)

Information on the ISSO 51-53 section of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Building Part, Storey, Apartment, Area Level (Building Structure)Air VolumeCalculation Methods ...ISSO 51 & 53 (Selection of Calculation Methods)Project LevelISSO 51 & 53

Ventilation -> Infiltration (from Heat Load)

Note: The setting of the New Building checkbox is synchronized with the checkbox of the same name in the Heat Load and is only active if the checkbox In Accordance with Building Regulations is activated in the General Heat Load Data in the Ventilation -> Infiltration area (Project Level (Building Structure)Heat LoadGeneral Heat Load Data).

The setting of this checkbox influences the determination of minimum volume flows for rooms that are calculated according to ISSO 53. For the calculation according to ISSO 51, the volume flows are determined on an area-specific basis.

Enabled: The minimum volume flows for new buildings according to the building regulations are used.

Disabled: The building is an existing building according to building regulations; minimum volume flows are used in accordance with the regulations for existing buildings according to building regulations.

Column Description
et Defines which rooms are edited together. If the rooms of the project are calculated according to ISSO 53 (non-residential buildings), you can adjust the number of people. Tick the rows of the rooms that you want to edit together and then enter the desired number of people in one of the rooms.
Location Shows the location of a room in the building structure and its name.
Area Room area determined from the room dimensions.
Volume Room volume determined from the room dimensions.
No. of Persons This input is only active for calculations according to ISSO 53. When a room type is selected, the number of persons per area is calculated here, if available, according to the building regulations from the reference value for the number of persons per area. The number of people influences the minimum air volume flow rate can also be entered manually. Click on to enter the value determined from the building regulations. For the calculation according to ISSO 51, the value that was transferred from the CAD during building detection is displayed. It cannot be changed.
Minimum Volume Flow Rate For the calculation of non-residential buildings in accordance with ISSO 53, the minimum volume flow rate is determined based on the number of persons and the New Building parameter. In the calculation according to ISSO 51, the minimum volume flow rate is determined on an area-specific basis.