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Details on the Section “ISSO 51 & 53” (Room Level)

Information on the ISSO 51 & 53 area in the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Building Part, Storey, Apartment, Area Level (Building Structure)Air VolumeCalculation Methods ...ISSO 51 & 53 (Selection of Calculation Methods)Room LevelISSO 51 & 53

General Room Data

The upper part of this view shows the room number, the room name, the set room temperature for heating case and the dimensions of the room (the latter not in cases where only the area was given). Room number, room name and room temperature can be edited directly, the room dimensions only after clicking .

Minimum Volume Flow Rate

If the rooms are calculated according to ISSO 53 (non-residential buildings), you can enter the number of people for this room manually here. The number of people influences the minimum air volume flow in the calculation according to ISSO 53. Click on to enter the value determined from the building regulations. In the calculation according to ISSO 51, the minimum volume flow is calculated on an area-specific basis. The number of persons displayed was transferred from CAD when the building was entered and cannot be changed.