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Details on Results: Table

Information about the Table tab in the Results at Room Level section of the Short Procedure in Cooling Load.

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Module OverviewCooling Load Short ProcedureRoom LevelResultsTable

Cooling load table results Linear Building

At room level, depicts the results of the cooling load calculation according to the short procedure in tabular form.

Month: Selection of the design month for which the results are to be displayed.




Daily time of the design day in the selected month.

Outside Air Temperature °C

Daily pattern of the outside air temperature at the selected project site.

Inside Air Temperature °C

Daily pattern of the inside air temperature of the currently selected room.

Cooling Load W

Daily pattern of the total cooling load in the currently selected room.

Individuals W

Internal load caused by individuals.

Lighting W

Internal load caused by lighting.

Machinery W

Internal load caused by machinery.

Material Throughput W

Internal load caused by material throughput.

Adjacent Room W

Cooling load percentage of the heat gains and heat losses at adjacent rooms.

Qt Windows W

Cooling load percentage of the heat gains caused by transmission at windows.

Qs Windows W

Cooling load percentage of the heat gains caused by solar radiation through windows.

Outside Surface W

Cooling load percentage of the heat gains caused by solar radiation on exterior areas.