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Details on Creating/Adjusting Temperature Curve in Location and Climate Data

Information on the Create/Adjust Temperature Curve dialog in connection with the location and climate data.

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Module OverviewDynamic Cooling LoadProject LevelLocation and Climate DataAdjust

Create temperature curve Linear Building

General Data

You can adjust the general conditions for the generation of the temperature curve. To do this, in the CDP, enter one value each for the 14-day lead time and for the CDD. If you use CDD to determine the cooling load calculation with periodic settling, the entry for the 14-day lead time is not required.

T(mean) [°C]: The mean outside temperature in °C.

T(Ampl.) [K]: The amplitude in kelvin with respect to the mean outside temperature.

t(min) [h]: Time of the lowest temperature in full hours.

t(max) [h]: Time of highest temperature in full hours.

Generate Temperature Curve: Generates a temperature curve for the CDP of the selected month based on the general data entered.


You can manually set the temperature of each hour of the CDP of the selected month by clicking in the Outside temp. column Adjust °C. If you use CDD to determine the cooling load calculation with periodic settling, the values for the 24h of the CDD are shown here.