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Details on Cross-Room Load Assignment

Information on the Cross-Room Load Assignment dialog in the dynamic cooling load calculation.

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Module OverviewDynamic Cooling LoadProject LevelAssignment of Internal Loads

Dialog cross-room load assignment Linear Building

Select Rooms

Project - activated: Lists all rooms in the project for assignment in the internal loads tabs.

Room Group - activated: Enables the list of existing room groups for selection. The standard group covers the entire project. Clicking opens the Room Groups dialog, where you can edit existing room groups, delete them or create new room groups. The rooms of the currently selected group are displayed in the building structure.

Manual Selection - activated: You can manually select the desired rooms for the assignment of internal loads in the building structure by activating the respective checkboxes.

Common parameters of the internal loads

By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.

If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example.

Load used in: Number of rooms to which the respective internal load is assigned. Individual loads are shown in yellow. The loads of rooms with identical usage profile sets can be combined into a group load (blue). New group loads can be created with F5. They are directly assigned to all selected rooms.


Loads defined in Revit are not recorded.

Selection - activated: Selects the load to assign or combine into a group load. Clicking in the header activates/deactivates all entries.

Quantity: Number of lights/people/devices/air streams or mass flow rates to which this load is to apply. The load [W] is multiplied by the number. At room level, the number of people per square meter is automatically calculated for people from this specification.

Usage %: Percentage to which the selected profile set is used. This value is considered in addition to the usage values in the profile set. Accordingly, a profile of 50% with a usage of 50% is 25% effective.

Name: Clicking opens a window with a list of templates for calculating the load, depending on the load type. When a template is selected, the data from the template is copied to the table. After the data transfer, the name can be adjusted manually (existing templates remain unaffected by the manual adjustment). If a template for dynamic capacity calculation according to VDI 2078 is selected to determine the occupant load, the cooling load within the selected activity level is calculated dynamically depending on the corresponding target temperature profile and the outside temperature.