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Details on Component Properties for Radiant Heating and Cooling

Information on the Component properties for surface temperature control dialog in the dynamic cooling load calculation.

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Module OverviewDynamic Cooling LoadRoom LevelEnveloping SurfacesRadiant Heating and CoolingAdjust Options

Component properties Linear Building

Area of the Component provided for Radiant Heating and Cooling

Absolute (m2): Specific number of square meters occupied by the surface temperature control. The value for Specific (%) is determined automatically.

Specific (%): Percentage occupied by the surface temperature control in this component. If you enter this value, the value for Absolute (m2) is determined automatically. Clicking 100% enters 100% under Specific (%) – the entire component is used for surface temperature control.


Drop-down list for selecting whether it is radiant cooling or heating. No surface temperature control removes the surface temperature control from this component.