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Details on Lighting in the Settings

Information on the Lighting tab in the Settings dialog of the dynamic cooling load calculation.

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Module OverviewDynamic Cooling LoadProject LevelSettingsLighting

Settings lighting Linear Building

Lighting Control

Activate Lighting Control

Enabled: The daylight factor is taken into account with the specified profile when calculating the internal load due to lighting. This option reduces the lighting loads depending on the amount of daylight entering the room.

Daylight Factor

The daylight factor determines the ratio between the lighting in the room and the daylight from outside. The higher the daylight factor, the more daylight enters the room and the less artificial lighting is needed. You can also enter the daylight factor manually. Clicking opens the Daylight Factor D dialog, where you can select a daylight factor from predefined values.

Profile of the required brightness (... lx)

Required brightness per room in lux; is taken from the assigned profile and displayed. Click to open the Illuminance Profiles dialog, where you can activate or create a new illuminance profile.