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Details of the dialog “Contaminants for DIN EN 16798-1, Procedure 2”

Information on the dialog Contaminations for DIN EN 16798-1, Procedure 2 of the calculation basis DIN EN 16798-1 Air Pollution, Procedure 2 for determining the required air volumes for rooms in non-residential buildings.

In this dialog, you define the impurities of the respective room or the rooms to be processed together.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Building Part, Storey, Area Level (Building Structure)Air VolumesCalculation Method ...DIN 16798-1 Air Pollution, Proc. 2 (Selection of Calculation Method)Project LevelAir Pollution Proc. 2 (Contaminations)

Dialog “ Contaminations for EN 16798-1, Procedure 2” of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

Click in an empty row or press F5 to add more contaminants. After defining the limit value for the material, the emission of the material and the concentration of the material in the supply air, the outdoor air flow rate required to comply with the limit value is displayed in the Q_h column. Press F6 to delete entries from the table. The mandatory CO2 entry cannot be deleted.

By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.

If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example.

Column Name

Defines the name of the material.

: Opens a context menu with a selection of names of common contaminants.

C_h_i Defines the limit value for the concentration of the material in the room.
G_h Determines the emission of the material.
C_h_o Determines the concentration of the material in the supply air.
Q_h Displays the outdoor air volume flow rate required to comply with the limit value.