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Details on the “Air Gymnasiums” Section

Information on the Gymnasiums section of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

In this area, you define the room-specific settings for determining the required air volumes for rooms in non-residential buildings based on the calculation basis DIN 18032-1 Gymnasiums. Standardized reference values are provided as default values.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Building Part, Storey, Area Level (Building Structure)Air VolumesCalculation Method ...DIN 18032-1 Gymnasiums (Selection of Calculation Method)Room LevelGymnasiums

“Gymnasiums” area of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

General Room Data

The room number, the room name and the room temperature are displayed, which you can adjust as required. The Exterior and Interior fields show the exterior or interior clear dimensions of the room. You can adjust the dimensions in the Room Data dialog.

: Opens the Room Data dialog in which you can adjust the parameters of the room.

Room Data

Room Type according to DIN 18032-1: Drop-down list for defining the room type according to DIN 18032-1. The input options offered vary depending on the room type selected, as the resulting volume flow rates are calculated differently.

For the room types Gymnasium, Gymnastics Hall and Room with Specific Use, the resulting volume flow is calculated from the sum of the volume flows for athletes and spectators.

For the room types Fitness Training Room, Strength Training Room and Martial Arts Room, the resulting volume flow rate is the maximum of the sum of the volume flow rates for athletes and spectators, the volume flow rate resulting from the minimum air exchange rate and the volume flow rate for equipment stations.

For the room types Changing Room, Shower Room and Sanitary Room, the resulting volume flow rates result from the minimum air exchange rates of the changing rooms and shower rooms.

Number of Athletes: Defines the number of people exercising in the room.

Number of Spectators: Defines the number of spectator seats in the room.

Number of Device Stations: Defines the number of device stations.

Outdoor Air Flow Rates

Volume Flow Rate per Athlete: Determines the required volume flow rate per person exercising. You can adjust the standard-compliant default value if necessary. Clicking on restores the default value if a default value is stored for this parameter for the selected room type.

Volume Flow Rate per Spectator: Defines the required volume flow rate per spectator seat. You can adjust the standard-compliant default value if necessary. Clicking on restores the default value if a default value is stored for this parameter for the selected room type.

Air Exchange Rate ( Fitness, Strength Training and Martial Arts Rooms)

Minimum Air Exchange Rate: Defines the required minimum air exchange rate. You can adjust the standard-compliant default value if necessary. Clicking on restores the default value if a default value is stored for this parameter for the selected room type.

Volume Flow Rate per Device Station: Defines the required volume flow rate per device station. You can adjust the standard-compliant default value if necessary. Clicking on restores the default value if a default value is stored for this parameter for the selected room type.

Air Exchange Rate (Changing and Shower Rooms)

Minimum Air Exchange Rate Changing Rooms: Defines the required minimum air exchange rate for changing rooms. You can adjust the standard-compliant default value if necessary. Clicking on restores the default value if a default value is stored for this parameter for the selected room type.

Minimum Air Change Rate Shower Rooms: Defines the required minimum air exchange rate for shower and sanitary rooms. You can adjust the standard-compliant default value if necessary. Clicking on restores the default value if a default value is stored for this parameter for the selected room type.