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Details on the Dialog “Calculation Method”

Information on the Calculation Method dialog of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

In this dialog, you define the calculation methods for determining the required air volumes for your project. You can select global calculation methods as the project standard. If required, you can also define different calculation methods for individual room types. If you want to assign calculation methods that differ from the room type to individual rooms or room groups, you can define exceptions.

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Calculation Methods section of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building

Project Standards

In this area, you define the global default settings for the calculation bases used, which are assigned by default to all room types and exceptions for rooms/room groups.

Calculation Method based on Room Types

In this table, you assign the calculation methods to be used to the various room types if they deviate from the project standard. If a method originates from the project standards, its designation is given the addition From Project:.

Only display room types available in the project

Enabled: Only the room types that are used in the project are listed in the table.

Disabled: All room types are listed in the table.

Room type

Shows the room type. If necessary, you can change the room type in in the section General Data for: Room (Room Level (Building Structure)GeneralGeneral Data for: RoomType).

Calculation Method 1, Calculation Method 2: Defines the calculation methods for the room type. Click on to assign other calculation methods to the room type.

Exceptions for Rooms/Room Groups

In this table, you can assign rooms and room groups to calculation methods that differ from the room type. If a method originates from the project standards, its designation is given the addition From Project:.

Room group

Defines the name of the room or room group. Click in an empty line or use the F5 key to add an exception. You can delete selected exceptions using the F6 or Del key.

: Opens the Room Groups dialog in which you select the rooms for the room group.

Calculation Method 1, Calculation Method 2: Defines the calculation methods for the room type. Click on to assign other calculation methods to the room type.