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Details on the Area “Workplaces” (Project Level)

Information on the Workplaces section of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

In this area, you define the room-specific settings for determining the required air volumes for rooms in non-residential buildings based on the Workplace Directives calculation method.

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Module OverviewVentilationProject, Storey, Apartment, Area Level (Building Structure)Air VolumesCalculation Method ...Workplace Directives (Selection of Calculation Methods)Project LevelWorkplaces

“Workplaces” area of the Ventilation module in LINEAR Building.

Depending on which room type is assigned to the respective room, either the Workplace Directive A4.1 or the Workplace Directive A5 is used. Workplace Directive A4.1 is used for WC rooms, changing rooms, bath and shower rooms, saunas and Turkish steam baths. The air volumes of all other room types are calculated on the basis of Workplace Directive A5. The values from the global default settings for the calculation method (Project Level (Building Structure)Workplace Guidelines) are used as default values.

General Room Data

The room number, the room name and the room temperature are displayed, which you can adjust as required. The Exterior and Interior fields show the exterior or interior clear dimensions of the room. You can adjust the dimensions in the Room Data dialog.

: Opens the Room Data dialog in which you can adjust the parameters of the room.

Workplace Directive A4.1

When determining the required air volumes on the basis of Workplace Directive A4.1, it must be ensured that the area-related minimum exhaust air volume flow of 11 m³/(h m²) required by the directive is guaranteed.

Specific Volume Flow Rate

Defines the specific, area-related volume flow rate.

: One click restores the value from the global default settings.

Workplace Directive A5

When determining the required air volumes on the basis of Workplace Directive A5, the design of the ventilation systems mainly depends on the number of people and the intensity of their physical activity. Furthermore, you can increase the required outdoor air volume flow rate due to additional customers and visitors and additional loads and, if necessary, reduce the total air volume flow rate by a certain percentage.

Activity: Drop-down list for defining the the intensity of physical activity within the room. The entry selected in the global default settings is identified by the addition From Project:.

Specific Volume Flow Rate

Defines the specific, person-related volume flow rate.

: One click restores the value from the global default settings.

Number of Persons

Defines the number of people in the room. Values originating from the CAD program and changed values are shown in bold.

: Click to set the number to zero unless another calculation method with guideline values for the number of persons is selected. If another calculation method with guide values is selected, the value of this method is used, as no guide values for the number of people are calculated as part of the workplace guidelines.

Consider Customers and Visitors

Enables the consideration of additionally required outdoor air volume flow rates due to customers and visitors.

Enabled: The additional volume flow rate required by customers and visitors is taken into account in the calculation according to the set value.

: One click restores the value from the global default settings.

Specific Volume Flow Rate due to Additional Loads

Enables the consideration of further necessary area-related outdoor air volume flow rates due to additional loads such as intensive odor deterioration or high heat loads.

Enabled: The volume flow rate required by the additional loads is taken into account in the calculation according to the set value.

: One click restores the value from the global default settings.

Reduce Total Air Volume Flow Rate

Enables a reduction in the total volume flow of the room by a certain percentage.

Enabled: The reduction of the total volume flow rate is taken into account in the calculation according to the set value.

Note: The outdoor air volume flow rates can be reduced linearly by a maximum of 50 % at outdoor temperatures above 26 °C to 32 °C and below 0 °C to -12 °C.