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About Air Volume Calculation for Residential and Non-Residential Buildings

Explains the concept of determining air volumes for residential buildings and for rooms in non-residential buildings.

General Information

The Ventilation module provides you with different calculation methods for determining air volumes for residential buildings and for rooms in non-residential buildings. The air volumes determined for rooms in residential buildings are nominal volume flows that are related to the volume flows of the other rooms in the ventilation zone. The air volumes determined for rooms in non-residential buildings, on the other hand, are purely room-related minimum volume flows that are not connected to the other rooms in the building.

Determining Air Volumes and Ventilation Concepts for Residential Buildings

The determination of air volumes and the creation of ventilation concepts for residential buildings, apartments and similarly used ventilation zones, e.g. residential, retirement and nursing homes, serves to protect against moisture and thus to protect the building fabric and the people living in the buildings. Based on the determination of the required air volumes, the volume flows required for moisture protection are calculated for the ventilation zones of the project. This volume flow is compared with the infiltration volume flow and determines whether ventilation measures are required. Measures are required if the air volume flow required for humidity protection is greater than the air volume flow that occurs through infiltration via the building envelope. In addition, measures are required if increased requirements for sound protection, room air quality or energy efficiency are imposed. If measures are required, ventilation concepts must be created for the ventilation zones. Once the ventilation concepts have been defined, you can specify the components of the ventilation system and carry out the planning in the Domestic Ventilation module.

Air Volume Calculation for Non-Residential Buildings

In addition to humidity protection, the determination of air volume for rooms in non-residential buildings also serves other aspects that vary depending on the type of use of the building or the rooms in the building, as the requirements of different standards and guidelines must be met. For example, ensuring appropriate indoor air quality and comfort in occupied areas, evaluating the energy efficiency of buildings, ensuring complete substance detection of captured air flows and/or protecting people staying or working in the buildings can all play a role.

In all calculation bases for determining the air volume in non-residential buildings, the necessary outdoor air volume flows are always calculated. These form the basis for the planning and design of ventilation and air conditioning systems, which in turn ensure the required outdoor air supply.