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About Use Profile Sets

Explains the concept of use profile sets.

Different internal loads occur at different times of day with different intensities. The lighting is turned on if there is too little daylight. Administration always has daytime shifts and does not work at weekends. In production, depending on the process, other machines run at weekends than in the week. In a use profile set, you can determine such variations for each hour of the day and then assign to the relevant internal load.

In the Use Profile Sets dialog at project level, you can create, change or delete use profiles for your project. The use pattern of the last profile selected is shown in a diagram. In the Comprehensive Room Load Assignment dialog, you can select an appropriately matched use profile set for each internal load. If not all the required use profile sets were created directly on start-up, they can be retrieved directly from the Comprehensive Room Load Assignment dialog with little effort.

A use profile set is available across the project at each structural level and can be created, adapted or deleted at each structural level.