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About the Calculation Method “Workplace Guidelines”

Explains the concept of determining the required air volumes for rooms in non-residential buildings based on the calculation method Workplace Guidelines.

When determining the air volume for workplaces, two methods are used, based on the specifications of Workplace Guideline A4.1 and Workplace Guideline A5. The calculation based on Workplace Guideline A4.1 is used for sanitary rooms and the calculation based on Workplace Guideline A5 is used for all other room types in workplaces. When determining the air volume, it is ensured that all loads (material, moisture and heat loads) are reliably dissipated.

In the Workplace Directive A5, the required outdoor air volume flows are determined based on the number of people and the physical intensity of the activity. You can also take into account additional air volumes required due to customes and visitors. You can also include other factors such as high heat loads or unpleasant odors in the room in the calculation. Furthermore, at outside temperatures above 26 °C up to 32 °C and below 0 °C down to -12 °C, it is possible to reduce the total air volume flow by up to 50 %.

The Workplace Directive A4.1 ensures that the area-related volume flow rate required by the directive is complied with.