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Details on the “Trades” Dialog

Information about the Trades dialog.

In this dialog, you can create and delete trades and adjust the layer abbreviations of the trades.

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Project tabDisciplines ...Trades ...

Tag: Name of the respective trade. If you want to change the name of a pre-installed trade, a note is displayed when you click OK, which must be confirmed. Afterwards, if you click OK again, the changed trade name is applied and displayed with a new name in all relevant places.

By clicking in a free row or by pressing F5, a new trade can be created, the name of which can be entered freely. User-defined trades are available in the higher-level Disciplines dialog for assignment to user-defined disciplines.

Layer Code: The layer abbreviation is used for the layer name if the variable <<G>> has been created in the layer key. The number of characters in the layer abbreviation can be less than or equal to the number of variables in the layer key. In case of user-defined trades, the abbreviation can be entered freely while respecting the maximum number of characters. The abbreviation of existing trades can be changed as desired, also in compliance with the maximum number of characters.