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Details on Task Schedule

Information on the Task Schedule module in LINEAR Building.

In the Tasks section, you can add notes and tasks at all levels of the Building Structure. Overview mode displays all entries for the selected levels and subordinate levels in the Building Structure.

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Module OverviewTask ScheduleTasks

Task schedule tasks Linear Building

Building Structure

In the Building Structure, you define all levels for which you wish to make entries. Levels with entries are marked in the Building Structure with an Info icon .


Unlike the red error markings from other modules, the Info icon is not carried over into the higher levels, but is present only at structural levels which contain an entry.


Clicking in a free line enables the creation and editing of notes and tasks for selected levels in the Building Structure. Use F6 to delete marked entries.


Number and name of the level selected currently in the Building Structure. You can edit these entries, with the exception of that for the project. The project number is always 0 and the name is taken from the file name.

Project-/Building part-/Storey-/Apartment-/Room entries display (overview)

Enabled: All tasks and notes that are subordinate to the currently selected level in the Building Structure are listed.

In Overview, no entries can be created, deleted or edited. Tasks and notes for all subordinate levels are listed. This is dependent on the selected level in the Building Structure and on which Overview level is activated. In addition, the Location to which each entry relates is displayed alongside. The location name is also a button using which you can toggle directly to the entry.


There are two types for selection: Notes and tasks With tasks, you have the option to set a due date and to mark the task as completed. Notes only have a text entry field.


You can enter the description of the task or note directly here.


If a task is completed, set a checkmark in the field with a mouse-click. Task marking remains present in the Building Structure until the entry is deleted with F6.

Due date

You can set a due date for tasks. If you do not explicitly set a due date, the current date is adopted.

: Opens the calendar from which you can select the due date.

Edit Mode for Gridlist Cell

For longer texts, you can switch to edit mode by clicking the button Edit Mode for Gridlist Cell in the toolbar, which enlarges the current task input field.