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Heat Load Calculation Based on EN 12831 (2003)

Explains the concept of heat load calculation based on EN 12831 (2003).

The heat load calculation provides the energy requirement for heating a building to the specified target temperatures, taking into account the calculation method selected in each case. Heat generators and heat transfer systems such as radiators or panel heating/cooling systems are then designed on the basis of the determined energy demand.

The following calculation methods are based on the heat load calculation according to EN 12831 (2003):
Calculation method Scope
Europe: EN 12831 (2003) Standard heat load without national adjustment, replaced by calculation method Europe: EN 12831-1(2017)
Germany: Supplement 1 to DIN EN 12831(2008) Standard heat load according to EN 12831 with German supplement sheet 1 (national annex -NA- for Germany), replaced by the calculation method Germany: DIN/TS EN 12831-1 (2020)
Austria: ÖNORM H 7500(2005) Standard heat load according to EN 12831 with Austrian supplement sheet, replaced by the calculation method Austria: ÖNORM H 7500-1 (2015)
Austria: ÖNORM H 7500-1 (2015) Standard heat load according to EN 12831 with Austrian supplement sheet.
Switzerland: SN SIA 384.201(2003) Standard heat load according to EN 12831 with Swiss supplement, replaced by the calculation method Switzerland: SN SIA 384/2(2020)
Turkey: TS 2164 (2003) Standard heat load according to DIN EN 12831 with Turkish supplement sheet.
France: NF P 52-612 (2010) Standard heat load according to EN 12831 with French supplement sheet.